Thursday, May 24, 2012

More food (update)

We went down to the market todat to finish our Popayán food checklist. On the way, we bought some pandebono, a yuca and corn bread/donut which tastes similar to many breads we've had elsewhere in Colombia. At the market, we first bought some avocados to make guacamole later tonight to finish the other veg and chips we still have. We asked the avocado lady where we might procure some typical lunch and she led us herself to the comedor of her friend. The friend advertised tripazo, one of the items left on our list, unfortunately, it turns out tripazo is normally a weekend only type dish, much like Menudo in Mexico, which is also made of tripe. As Matt put it, he is okay with not trying tripazo, since it probably won't be better than this awesome Menudo he had once and he's eaten so much cow stomach anyway! We did have some sancocho, a delicious soup made with yuca and green plantains, and a side of hueso (bone) with some fatty rib meat and a glass of limeade. This meal officially takes the prize of cheapest meal on the adventure, at an amazingly low 1500 COP (>$1, $1 is approx 1800 pesos these days). We did manage to buy some envueltos, which turned out to be like tamales without any filling. We then headed down to a shop to try some yuca bread and liberales. Unfortunately, the shop was closed. After further investigation, the yuca bread is similar to the pandebono, only in biscuit form, and liberales are just arequipe (caramel/dulce de leche) in a bowl - things we've already had! So we don't feel like we've missed anything in this food capital! We ended our adventure with some yummy fruit - I had a Salpicon (fruit salad) and Matt had a glass of guanabana drink. Tomorrow we head to Pasto, followed by Ipiales. By Monday we will be in Ecuador! See you there, dear readers!

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